
Connection to values

If you have never experienced coaching, and even if you have, Ericksonian coaching will most likely surprise you in a number of ways.

To get an idea of this, think of a hall full of people with a motivational speaker on stage. The speaker delivers an electrifying and thrilling performance that tells people what to do, appeals to their sense of immediate urgency and leaves them euphoric, enthusiastic and breathless. Then think what the complete opposite of that might be. Now you are probably getting close to what Ericksonian coaching is.

It is a very personal and exclusive, one-on-one conversation. Reaching the highest levels of your personality, beliefs, values and identity. This approach is based on a few key assumptions: that values help us to focus on what is really worth doing in our life; that keeping values at the core of our thinking enables us to commit to following through on our daily actions and that living by our values provides for a more meaningful, fulfilled and happy life. Regardless of what your challenges at hand might be in any session, we will always go to this higher level through a series of questions. Exploring why the desired change is important for you, how it is aligned with your sense of purpose and what it will enable for you as a human being.

Focus on solutions

Having explored your values and inner motivation, you will be invited to focus on the desired outcomes. This is another core principle of Ericksonian coaching – to very clearly define the outcome frame, which is not only ‘what you want’ but also ‘why you want it’; ‘when you want it’; ’how you will know you have it’; ‘how you might get it’ and ‘what to do if obstacles stand in your way’. These questions help to validate whether the goals are sufficiently specific and measurable, whether they are within your control and what their impact on your environment might be.

The outcomes are always linked to values, stated in the positive and focused on the image of your successful future self that is capable, experienced, and fulfilled. This approach helps to put you in a highly ‘sourceful’ flow state where you have access to lateral thinking, multiple perspectives and are free from self-limiting doubts. You will be surprised by the power of your own imagination and how your perspective is broadened through the process. You will use this experience to overcome existing barriers and limitations to design plans that will transition you from today into the future state through a series of pragmatic steps and actions.

Expanded thinking

The main part of every coaching session is experience building – looking for solutions to challenges in achieving the desired change. This part is about using all possible inner resources available and exploring all choices conceivable.  In particular, coaching helps to go above and beyond current beliefs, frameworks, and methods. In search of mental tools and resources, you will explore the widest possible horizons across all dimensions. Powerful exercises will help you to change time perspective, shift points of view, apply new learning styles and sensory perceptions, explore your role in multiple systems and zoom out to see how the change you are introducing will fit into your bigger picture.

I am particularly focused on this aspect – because I genuinely believe that at any given time, we have numerous constructive options at our disposal. We just need to take a broader perspective, a ‘wider view’- that is enabled by coaching and multidisciplinary mental models.


Lastly, but possibly most importantly: you will feel accepted as you have never been accepted before.

You will feel listened to as you have never been listened to before. And you will feel intrigued, curious, and challenged like you have never experienced before. But you will not be judged, and you will not be rushed and most of all – you will not be told what to do. You will work it out yourself. Both your challenges and solutions to those challenges are your responsibility.

My responsibility is to help you access all your internal resources that could help you with that.

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